Red mercury - fact or fiction? Fiction!

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The Inquisitor
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Red mercury - fact or fiction? Fiction!


Post by The Inquisitor » Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:13 pm

The story of red mercury is fascinating and still sees a plethora of fake websites utilised by scammers to defraud potential buyers. Indeed, red mercury has been dubbed the "doomsday scam" by the New York Times and the "gullible man’s shortcut to a nuclear bomb", but where exactly does red mercury come from and why are scammers so keen to push fake websites pertaining to this mythical substance?

This article starts at the scene of the crime, a non-delivery scammers definition of red mercury:
"According to some journals, red mercury is a cherry red liquid produced by irradiating mercury antimony oxide with elemental mercury in a Russian nuclear reactor. Some individuals think red mercury is very explosive and they can use it to trigger a fusion reaction in a deuterium-tritium or tritium mixture. However, the answer to what red mercury is depends hugely on which specialist to ask. The definitions will vary among different people." (

Using a more academic definition, it is said to be a poisonous, odorless, tasteless, water-insoluble scarlet-red powder that becomes yellow when heated above 126 °C, due to a thermochromatic change in crystalline structure.

It first gained prominence in 1979, claiming to be an essential chemical used in nuclear weapons and developed in Russia. However, to this date no such chemical has been proven to exist. In fact, one article entitled "only fools still hunt for red mercury" by New Scientist illustrated how in the hands of hoaxers and conmen, red mercury can do almost anything the aspiring third world demagogue wants it to. You want a short cut to making an atom bomb? You want the key to Soviet ballistic missile guidance systems? Or perhaps you want the Russian alternative to the anti-radar paint on the stealth bomber? What you need is red mercury.

Scammers have thus charged potential buyers astronomical prices for the chemical, with articles stating that up to $540,000 have been charged to victims.

Please note that any seller claiming to offer red mercury is a scammer. To date, no such chemical knowingly exists and buyers have the potential to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in what is nothing more than scammers seizing upon an elaborate myth. Below contains examples of fake websites claiming to sell red mercury. Evidently, these scammers also claim to sell other commodities such as drugs, black-money chemicals, gold and fake money which are utilised as part of the scammers portfolio of non-existent products:


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